Meme is a new chain of healthy fast food cafés, launching in Germany with plans for rapid expansion. The founders are dedicated to making healthy and delicious food more widely available to the general public.


This was a customer project involving:
Creative Direction, Brand Identity, Packaging, Web design, Photography, Styling, Content Creation



Create a memorable brand identity for this healthy high-street fast food offering.


The logo was inspired by the shape of the häppchen, the restaurant’s flagship product. Häppchen are traditional German sandwiches that are smaller than regular sandwiches and open faced for a lighter snack.

This slanted rectangular forms the basis of the visual identity. As a singular shape it provides a recognisable emblem for the brand, and when combined, multiple shapes create a tessellating tiled pattern that can be seen across the packaging and general content.

It was also used as the graphic principle that informed the photography as well as the store build.





 Print Materials
